Thursday, February 17, 2011

Super Booty

It has come to my attention that the "behind" that was once behind me is now at the forefront of a massive debate; Is the Super Booty Classy?

Today i watched the new Trey Songs video and usually he has some Nicki minaj like chick  as his leading lady. However, in this particular video he had a "model" like chick as his "main entree".

(FYI- there is a huge difference between and model and a video girl. Models typically look alike and can appeal commercially, editorially, and sexually. Whereas a video model as a strong presentation of sexual desire to her and she has a very pretty face and for the last 5 year a super big butt!!*Thank Buffy*)

As i watched the 3 min porno..whoops!!! I mean video, i notice that Trey was going for a more serious and classy approach. First noticing the type of car he used, the fact that the video was shot in black and white and antique lighting, his dialogue in the film along with the profession of the subject of his desire. It, at some point occurred to me that there may be a reason why he doesnt have some model whose "back side" could protect the US from North Korea.(Asses Against Mass Destruction....for $300 chris) And then i thought well maybe he wanted a classier model.." which lead me to "Are really big back-sides seen as un-classy?"

You never really see the girl with the big butt in Vogue and because they could actually sell their look just as much they were given their own magazine; Remember Trina on the cover of King??

Well I know that bigger butts are now paralleling breast implants in the plastic surgery world but more so here in the african american community. I myself look in the mirror everyday to see what my ass decides it wants to look like today. I am not saying that i would like to get an ass job *cough* but i do feel there is alot of pressure placed on women to have bigger ASSets.

Does anyone recall that time when girls were dropping like flies going into makeshift doctor offices trying their hardest to fulfill these social insecurities? Many women have undergone treatment of injections not done by a licensed doctor and as a result have suffered grave consequences from deformity to death.

I pride myself on being very happy with my body and comfortable in my own skin *social lie*and i believe every girl should. However, i am aware that not everyone can attain this level of personal security.

My Point:

The point here is that in the black community women are getting these butt jobs left and right. There is even an outbreak in the little white girl community too(anybody seen CoCo)!!And most of them do this in order to maintain or obtain a man or some kind of compensation. However, whenever these videos call for a businesswoman or "independent female representative" it seems they are always smaller framed and extra pretty; no side of big ass please!!  Trey Songs, through his video, has raise a very good point; is the big butt classy? How does it look in a gown? Will you ever be taken serious with a huge rump running behind you all day? and Is this a direct correlation of our place in this mans world?  Are we only supposed to be the subject of desires for men and never to have our own purpose? never to create a destiny that is child and sex ridden?

Although Trey may have though he was just making another sex video but the video definitely scratches the surface of an issue we must address in the world. These video encourage and foster an insecurity that is hard to get rid of amongst the feline population.


heres the vid......

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